Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

Almost a year after my exchange

Hey fellas!
Oh man...its been so long!
I dont even know if someone is still reading my blog lol. I just felt like writing and updating...
please dont mind the not-using of apostrophes because its faster without and the key on my keyboard is broken...
sooo what has happened so far in my good ol(apostrophe) german life? well...not much actually. I have school...and by that I mean a lot. its a lot of studying. you guys in the us can be so lucky to have "easy" multiple choice tests...even for exams! really. we have essay, analyzing and all these kinds of questions. even for "small" tests. be happy with your school. its great! believe me. :D
I dont want to complain about my school here but its just so much work and I dont have time to enjoy my last years of school because I have to study for freaking tests like all the time!!!

To talk a bit about the time right after I came back to germany...well...of course I was excited to see everyone again and stuff but I had a really hard time adapting back. it was really bad. I was in denial pretty much all the time and I probably still am a bit. I just loved my exchange year so much and the people I met so I didnt want it to be over. I didnt want to find new friends here because they couldnt be as great as the ones I met abroad and I didnt even want to think about my life and stuff that was ahead of me. I kept thinking about the time in ohio and as a huge advice to fellow exchange students: dont do that! its the worst. dont spend too much time thinking about your old life you cant get back anyways! I still dont want to think that thats true because I really had the best time of my life in chardon and I just cant imagine that there will EVER be anything that comes close to making me that happy ever that was my motivation I have had for probably like 7 months after I got back from the states. great right?
after a while, I found a new friend group and they are really great but I just wanted my friends from all over the world back. a reason why I am going to fly to norway in october yay!!!

one thing that just recently happened finally showed me and proved to me that germany isnt that bad and that I love both of my lives equally. both lives are so different and have different qualities that I love and it was pretty hard to find the good things in my german life again. but going on our yearly friends+family-meeting in the beginning of this month was the best thing that has happened to me since I got back from the states last year! was so amazing and now I want to go back to that again as soon as possible. I hate waiting a year for that now but it kinda took over my homesickness to ohio a bit haha...
see, how long it took for me to recover from my "post-exchange-year-depression"? its took like 10 months...and its still not completely over. I kind of just got used to the the fact that I wont get the time back and I started to really deal with that and I can handle it now. my chardon visit over spring break helped a lot too!! it just showed me that coming back can be easy. seeing all my friends and my host family again really helped me dealing with my problems.

now I really started to "arrive" in germany again. I know its weird that it took so long and I always thought I adapted back right away because I thought it cant take that long but now that I actually know how it feels like to be "back", I know that I was just covering up my sadness and homesickness and my denial.
I started to love germany again and I also started to look around for universities and courses I want to study after I graduate (again) next year and thats a lot of fun! its cool thinking about that and the future because who knows where I am going to end up one day? hopefully travelling the whole world.
because once a traveler, always a traveler

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2015

Noch 15 Tage! Und Happy 10 Months in America!

Halli Hallo !
Ich habe heute etwas Zeit und dachte warum denn nicht?
Ich werde aber nicht jedes Bild posten, das ich in den letzten Wochen und Monaten gemacht habe. Ich glaube mein Laptop würde das nicht überleben. :D

Nur, um euch mal etwas auf dem Laufenden zu halten...Was habe ich so in letzter Zeit gemacht?

- wir haben unser Musical CATCH ME IF YOU CAN aufgeführt
- ich war in Disney World in Florida
- ich war mit meinem Chor in Nashville, Tennessee
- ich war mit AFS in Washington D.C. und New York City
- ich habe Powderpuff gespielt (Football für Mädchen)
- ich habe die Jugendweihe meiner Schwester verpasst...
- ich hatte mein letztes Konzert mit meinem Chor
- mein Selbstportrait, das ich in meinem Kunstunterricht gemalt habe, hat einen ersten Preis und "Best in Show"-Preis in einer Ausstellung gewonnen
- ich hatte meinen letzten Schultag an meiner geliebten CHS
- ich hatte Prüfungen
- Graduation Partys haben begonnen
- ich war bei einem Indians game
- ich war bei den Niagarafällen

Ja. Das waren nur die eher "großen" Dinge.
Jetzt heißt es für mich langsam Koffer packen...
Ich bin jetzt seit genau 10 Monaten in Amerika. In 15 Tagen werde ich Chardon verlassen, nach Kent fahren, meiner Gastfamilie "Tschüss" sagen, mit meinen AFS Leuten ein "End of Stay"-Seminar haben, nach NYC fahren, auf meinen Bus zum Flughafen warten, nach Deutschland fliegen, abgeholt werden, nach Schwedt fahren, ankommen.

Ich kann es gar nicht glauben. Bin ich nicht erst in Amerika angekommen?
Noch nie hatte ich ein derartiges, komisches Gefühl. Austauschschüler wissen wovon ich rede.
Meine Freunde hier wollen mich nicht gehen lassen. Sie haben Ideen wie: Ich nehme dich mit zu meinem College, Ich halte dich in meinem Keller, Du kannst bei mir wohnen oder Du kannst einfach Teil der Familie werden.
Es ist schön zu wissen, dass man hier auch geliebt wird und dass man auch hier ein zu Hause hat, aber es fällt mir immer schwer auf Dinge wie diese zu antworten. Ich mein, na klar würde ich noch gerne länger hier bleiben, aber ich freue mich schon so riesig auf meine Familie in Deutschland! Noch nie hat der Ausdruck "ein lachendes und weinendes Auge haben" mehr gepasst als jetzt! Wenn ich wieder nach Deutschland gehe, werde ich nicht mehr die Marie von vor einem Jahr sein. Nicht nur, weil ich mich charakterlich verändert habe, sondern auch, weil ich nie mehr mein ganzes Herz dabeihaben werde. (metaphorisch gemeint). Die Hälfte meines Herzens wird immer hier in Chardon sein, da es genauso mein zu Hause ist, wie Deutschland auch.

“You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.” – Miriam Adeney

CHS Spring Musical

Disney World - Magic Kingdom

Washington D.C. - Reflecting Pool

Washington D.C. - The White House

Washington D.C. - The Washington Memorial

New York City - On the East River

New York City - Times Square

New York City - View from the Empire State Building




Nashville - Country Music Hall of Fame


Powder Puff
Niagara Falls

Last Choir Concert

Indians game

Choir singing "Breakaway" at Graduation

 Host  Family

Mittwoch, 11. März 2015

Noch 3.5 Monate...

To people who don't speak german: I actually just talked about that I won't post that many things anymore because there are only 3.5 months left and I want to enjoy them and I have so much stuff planned that I would like to do. So yeah. That's basically it.

(P.S.: I always typed "z" instead of "y" because I'm used to the american keyboard when I write in english. Jeez. *Exchange student problems*)

And I know the quality is bad but Blogger just provides 100MB, so be happy with what you get.

Oh und das ist so ein spontanes "einmal-aufnehmen-Video". Nicht wirklich besonders oder so. Hatte nur mal etwas Zeit heute also hab ich mich mal eben für 4 Minuten hingesetzt und aufgenommen.

Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

Dieses Museum ist einfach der Wahnsinn ! Ab dem ersten Schritt in das Museum, bis zum letzten Schritt heraus, hatte ich Gänsehaut. Es ist einfach überwältigend und unglaublich !



THE glove - DER Handschuh


"Chuck! Chuck, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this"

I want to print that and put it on my wall. - Ich möchte das ausdrucken und an meine Wand packen.

"[...] the right band with the right noise can change the world."


"And then you do this. *showing his award*" ... Dang it Grohl ! I love this guy...

How does it feel to be half a million strong? - Woodstock 1969


Lake Erie - Eriesee

Was about to buy that. - Hätt ich mir ja beinahe gekauft.